

The driver behind you guns his engine, races up beside you, and pulls out a camera. Is Britney Spears also zooming up the PCH, whilst simultaneously nursing a child and a vente latte? Probably. But if Andrew Bush is the photographer in question, it’s not a celebrity he’s chasing — it’s you.

Like an especially democratic paparazzo, Bush takes remarkable photos of everyday people cruising the freeways in and around Los Angeles. Dating back to the 1990s (when gas was cheap and the living was easy), the pics capture private moments that most of us see only fleetingly: men who really should be watching the road (but are reading maps instead), mothers who really should be watching the road (but are scolding their kids instead), and the requisite blonde-in-a-purple-Corvette (we think!) on her way to or from a local Dr. 90210. Bush jokes aside, this is one motorcade you won’t want to miss.

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