
Berry Basics, Berry Perfect :)

Berries are the jewels in summer's exquisite strand of fresh fruit, colorful gems marking time from one end of summer vacation to the other. Truth is, berries rate high on nearly every kid's list of summer favorites -- strawberry shortcake, blueberry muffins, blackberry ice cream, and raspberry jam.

Whether you grow them, pick your own, or shop at a farm stand or supermarket, fresh berries are a ripe subject. Keep a supply on hand and you'll discover that youngsters are intuitive berry masters. Opportunity seldom escapes their radar screen. Summer pancakes? Why not tumble a container of blueberries into the batter? Or, how about a snazzy border of raspberries on that cake or pudding?

Buy fresh berries at the height of their season for best value. Peak supplies often bring lower prices.

Plan a choose-a-berry party, with an all-berry menu. How about berry parfaits or smoothies?

Avoid berry containers with excess juice in the bottom, overly soft fruit, and other telltale signs of age, such as bruises, mold, or unhealthy color.

Refrigerate berries in a single layer, loosely covered, in a shallow dish, so they don't crush under their own weight.

Rinse berries just prior to using, not before. Blot dry on paper towels if needed. Invert raspberries to drain.

Freeze whole berries by spreading them out on a baking sheet. Bag and freeze them once they're frozen solid.

Fruit Salad Bowl Turnover A colorful combination of peaches, berries and honey dew served in halved contaloupe makes a perfect side dish to any summer meal.

4 cups sliced fresh peaches, nectarines, plums, and/or apricots
1 to 2 cups assorted fresh berries, such as halved strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and/or raspberries
1 to 2 cups 1-inch chunks honeydew or cantaloupe melon
1 to 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 to 2 tablespoons sugar (optional)
3 small cantaloupes, halved (optional)

Refrigerate a large glass serving bowl for 20 to 30 minutes. Add desired fruit to the bowl. Toss gently until fruits are just mixed. Sprinkle with the lemon juice. Sprinkle the sugar, to taste. Toss gently until sugar is dissolved. To serve, spoon mixed fruits into cantaloupe halves, if desired. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

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